Wednesday, April 20, 2005

This is so heinous it defies description...I am crying makes it hard to breathe, seeing the horrible evil done to these precious animals. There is little left of their frail bodies...oh my lord no animal should ever have to suffer so....this must be stopped!!!!!!!!!
Puppymills - information on puppymills and what you can do to stop them.

Puppymills - information on puppymills and what you can do to stop them.

This just tears my heart out...everytime I see or read about animal abuses it makes me lose it! I will never understand...never! How can anyone be cruel to a wonderful warm living loving animal? This site has some horror stories and how you can help in the fight against these horrible puppy mills.
Puppymills - information on puppymills and what you can do to stop them.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

You won't believe this! Check it out!!! Now this is truly a critter lover!!!! Lol!!
Telegraph News Woman breastfeeds newborn tiger cubs

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Rest In Peace
Prince Rainier III
Sovereign Prince of Monaco
Born: May 31, 1923
Died: April 6, 2005


What would we do without friends?
I had thought I had no more friends...acquaintances, yes but real friends?
I think most of them have pretty much deserted me since my health plummeted...and I think I have let many of them just ...lapse....feeling I have had little to offer, feeling my life is so dull to them by comparison, feeling too ill and tired to try to maintain some of the lesser friendships that would usually pretty much dissolve at even the merest hint of discord.
But...then there are those long standing, deeply rooted, enduring friendships...
the kind of friend's who have seen me at my worst and love me in spite of it....who have seen the decline in my health and will worry rather than be put-off by it...friends who would lose sleep over me....pray for me....with me....stand by me....
...grow old with me...
There are newly found friends I've discovered thru this miraculous worldwide web...people I'd never have gotten a chance to know before the advent of the internet...I'd never have gotten acquainted with them thru I am virtually housebound....They have gotten to know me and I, them, warts and all....I feel so much less inclined to cloak my oddities and flaws as I seek more depth and reality in my I see just how fleeting and precious life is.
These newfound friendships are no less we blossom and unfold, unfurl....
growing in heart....
reaching toward....
sharing secrets, comfort, triumphs and sadness, joys and sorrows, laughter and tears,...
building trust
twining our spirits
I want to thank you my special know who you are...for loving me warts and all.
I love you so much.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

~Embrace Life!~

I have been reading Peter Tan's Blog for a while now....
"The Digital Awakening"

Peter Tan inspires me, makes me look at and appreciate some things, which to some people might appear insignificant, but are not. They are in fact profoundly moving.. My someone who suffers an immune system disease and a host of other assorted health maladies, is limited and frustrating. I have been seriously depressed of late as I find myself physically unable to live as I'd like. I am a prisoner in my own home.
YET, when I read the continuing saga of a beautiful, true-life love story such as Peter and Wuan's it gives me hope, it lightens my heart to know there is still such sweet and enduringly devoted love in the world. Hope....Hope....a wonderful word hope.
Rather than bemoaning his plight, Peter documents his life, his feelings, inspirations, his photographs...his struggles and triumphs...allows us to taste the flavours of his world, breathe in the heady scents of his surroundings, so profoundly do his words evoke these sensations.
When we read someone so adept at evoking these feelings within, we know that their fervent spirit LIVES in their words and shines for all to see.
I read a quotation one time, although the author's name escapes me, who said "Every man dies...Not every man truly lives"
Peter has not just adapted and accepted his new way of life...he has fully embraced it! He truly LIVES!
Peter sets an admirable example for all of us!
You will want to add Peter's blog "The Digital Awakening" to your favourites!!

The Digital Awakening: Six Years of Loving

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Michael Schiavo's girlfriend and mother of his kids...
If I were her, I'd sleep with one eye open


This is a really beautiful site...

Please visit this beautiful memorial website, dedicated to Terri Schindler by Cheryl Ford, R.N. and many others who fought for Terri's life. It touched my heart and made me cry.
You will truly be missed Terri...You have touched all our lives.
May you now rest in peace sweet Terri. - Memorial website in memory of Theresa Schindler (1963-2005)