Thursday, February 23, 2006


IT'S UP TO US!!!!!!!!!

I am so....horribly angry & enraged by the attitudes of so many people regarding the treatment of animals. Most recently, as Pamela Anderson has spoken out against the abuses of chickens and KFC, I read the comments by people in response to her, and if their attitude reflects that of a majority of people, I don't wanna live on this fucking planet anymore!!!!
Some remarked that it didn't matter to them how chickens or other "food" animals were treated, they said, so what, we're gonna eat them anyway! They were unmoved at all by the fact that chickens were being forced into confines that caused them to be stacked one upon another, frequently suffocating, miserable and unable to move. They cared not that the chicken's beaks were usually clipped off, making it impossible for them to eat or drink. They didn't give a fuck! They don't even see that these suffering chickens are living, breathing, feeling and God created them. One person said "Oh well (laughing) who does anything when a cat plays with, tortures & then kills a mouse. It's all the food chain, they're all going to die anyway."
(And it's not just KFC, it's many, many places as you'll soon discover)
I could hardly stand to think that people truly feel that way and have NO regard at all for animals and their lives, their pain. It sickens me!!
We hear of people who abuse a cute little kitten or puppy and jump on the bandwagon, saying this person is a psycho and must be stopped, and it's true, yet what about all the other animals, some not so cute!? Don't they all count? I believe every single creature counts, is important and that ANYONE abusing animals, whether in the name of research or any other form MUST BE STOPPED!
I have watched live footage gleaned from PETA as well as many other sources, footage taken in research facilities, chicken farms, chinese markets, korean markets, kitten & puppy mills, Govt. experiments, primates, cats & dogs boiled alive, hung or beaten to death, dogs de-barked by shoving a rod down their throats, caged in piles, the cages thrown from trucks and crushing their paws, gruesome (so-called) scientific experiments with no anesthesia....heard the haunting, gut wrenching screams of terror and pain, seen kittens stretched out on their backs and pinned to tables with electrodes attached, dogs, cats and primates in forced confines with metal slats for floors, cold, sick, sometimes missing limbs, infected, diseased and mutilated, lying in their own excrement.
I have looked at their suffering faces and seen the hell in their eyes and I have seen the point at which, within their eyes, resignation and yearning for death occurs.

They are DEPRIVED of joy, companionship, health, love, freedom...INFLICTED with a hellish, miserable, endlessly painful existence until, at last their human infliced suffering or their human inflicted disease kills them. Their dignity is stolen, their lives are not their own....


WHO the fuck thinks they have the right to steal those lives!? To inflict this atrocity upon an innocent animal!
It would horrify you to know that it is commonplace in China and many other areas to raise dogs and cats for their skins and their so-called medicinal purposes. I have heard of more disregard and cruelty within that region than anywhere else! Is it any wonder their country is fraught with disease?

Children are raised around and within such an atmosphere and it becomes commonplace to them and they do not think to question it. They grow older and they take the reins and the carnage continues.

I could tell you things you wish you didn't you things you wish you'd never seen...the nightmares will stay with you always.

But the fact is, it is happening every single day all around the world and every single day animals the hands of HUMANS!

Does it not frighten you to consider what type of person would willingly CHOOSE to hurt an innocent animal?
Does it not frighten you to realize the millions who are actively doing so?
How could anyone disassociate themselves from it and think of it as "just a job" as they daily heap tortures upon an innocent animal whose entire life is spent in pain and suffering?

If you think it's just in foreign countries, THINK AGAIN! In our own country there are many research facilities using and abusing animals for profit...and there are people who just enjoy hurting living creatures. There are puppy & kitten mills....and the list is endless.
Some cosmetic companies use animals to test their products, poison companies do too. Can you imagine the nighmarish HELL to live confined and forced to ingest POISON until your body can no longer stand up to it and you die a horrifying death? There is NO MERCY shown to these animals...they are treated as though they feel nothing and are expendable nothings!!!!
This shit has got to stop!
I applaud the efforts of Pamela Anderson and others like her, whose high profile gets them noticed so they help to expose these terrible things and wake people up!
More people need to not just care but they need to TAKE ACTION!!! GET INVOLVED!
It's real fuckin easy to just spout off and give an opinion, to bitch & moan about something and do nothing.....
Write letters, sign petitions, MARCH, join up with animal protection organizations, give your money and your time, boycott places that test on animals, TELL THEM WHY, adopt as many homeless animals as you can afford to care for and urge other to do so...Help to EXPOSE places you are certain are abusing animals, Contribute funds to low-cost pet spaying clinics, MAKE SURE YOUR FUR KIDS ARE SPAYED!

But that's still not nearly enough!

Paul McCartney has spoken out against China's cruelty to animals and has vowed not to ever perform there...Well, that's all good and well, but if he really wants to make a difference, he needs to use his fame and MONEY to take action! There are so many animal protection groups requiring funding...there have been people willing to risk life & limb who've gone to many countries where there has been reported huge scale animal abuse and they've exposed them! They have contacted agencies, governments and high profile people, spoken to the media and helped to stop some of the abuse and end some of the practices that certain regions are notorious for.
I don't believe it will ever really end...I wish it would, I pray it will....but the world is vast and the abuses are so widespread....but I do believe it will help to stop some of it, to expose it and to educate will bring to light just how very bad and widespread it is.
It will save lives...PRECIOUS ANIMAL'S LIVES!

I think there are a lot of people who really have no idea just how heinous and gruesome life has become for millions of animals.
Some people just don't want to know, they don't want to look....either it is too graphic and frightening or maybe they think that once they know, they'll have to do something about it.
But some people just seem to be totally oblivious! I don't know how they can be, but since they are, we need to educate them! Make them aware!!!

WE ALL need to do something about it!
It's NOT GOING continues unabated!
Every second we wait, another animal dies, or is tortured, beaten, experimented upon....
LOOK at the PETA website and the others I've added below...and the way you look at animals, life and people will be changed forever.
As I watched some recent footage, I cried and shook, thinking to myself THOSE PEOPLE ARE NOT HUMAN! THEY ARE SICK, DERANGED FREAKS!!!!!!! No one human could inflict such suffering on an innocent one with a heart can remain unmoved by this footage. It will tear your guts out and leave you shaking with anger, pain, outrage, sorrow......
I keep asking why.....everytime I see something like this, WHY WHY WHY?
I feel sick deep inside....
I want to help, I want the suffering to end for all animals.....All the bears whose bile is drained for humans to drink, left in cages with a hose hanging out of them, sometimes eaten part by part, first a paw, then the other....until they are nothing left. All the lab rats whose entire life is spent in pain, enduring experiments...all the minks and chinchillas, whose lives are spent confined until they are killed for their furs, sometimes skinned alive...All the dogs who are beaten and hung, skinned alive and their quivering livers eaten by pagan people who thinks it imbues their men with magical qualities and strength, (the beatings cause the dogs adrenalin to pump so high that it is imparted within the meat) and live in hell their entire lives, their shoulder-blades dislocated and tied over their necks, de-barked and rusty cans shoved over their muzzles, all the cats boiled alive and skinned, used for medicinal "juices", all the primates in forced captivity, in isolation they become psychotic, horrible experiments inflicted on them, screwed to chairs, their jaws wired open, electrodes implanted in their brains, their eyes wild with fear, pain, torment, ...all the millions upon millions of chickens who spend their brief lives in tiny confines, pumped full of hormones, beaks clipped, thrown, stabbed, boiled alive, eyes gouged out....All the calves in forced captivity, kept in darkness and pumped full of antibiotics and kept anemic and with constant diarrhea until they are slaughtered so their "VEAL" may be sold...white, anemic, antibiotic-filled baby calf meat......All the horses raised to create "premarin" hormones, who are then killed...
All the creatures of the world must be saved....
and it's up to US!

Please, I implore you to watch some of these videos! Once you have seen the lab experiments, the primates, dogs & cat's suffering, the IAMS company and the cruelty they cause animals, the "Meet your Meat" video.....THEN YOU WILL KNOW THAT WE MUST ALL ACT NOW, RIGHT THIS MINUTE TO HELP END THIS ATROCITY!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Doomsday For The Internet As We Know It?
Paul Joseph Watson/Prison February 6 2006
Several developments that are coming to the fore indicate a noticeable advance towards a government regulated, taxed and controlled system that spells doomsday for the Internet as we know it.The first steps in a move to charge for every e mail sent have already been taken. Under the pretext of eliminating spam, Bill Gates and other industry chieftains have proposed Internet users buy credit stamps which denote how many e mails they will be able to send. This of course is the death knell for political newsletters and mailing lists.The New York Times reports that "America Online and Yahoo, two of the world's largest providers of e-mail accounts, are about to start using a system that gives preferential treatment to messages from companies that pay from 1/4 of a cent to a penny each to have them delivered. The senders must promise to contact only people who have agreed to receive their messages, or risk being blocked entirely."The end game is a system similar to China, whereby no websites even mildly critical of the government will be authorized.The Pentagon admitted that they would engage in psychological warfare and cyber attacks on 'enemy' Internet websites in an attempt to shut them down. The fact that the NSA surveillance program spied on 5,000 Americans tells us that the enemy is the alternative media and that it will be targeted for elimination. Court cases are pending after the Bush administration demanded the Google search terms of American citizens.The first wave will simply attempt to price people out of using the conventional Internet and force people over to Internet 2, a state regulated hub where permission will need to be obtained directly from an FCC or government bureau to set up a website.The original Internet will then be turned into a mass surveillance database and marketing tool. The Nation magazine reported last week, "Verizon, Comcast, Bell South and other communications giants are developing strategies that would track and store information on our every move in cyberspace in a vast data-collection and marketing system, the scope of which could rival the National Security Agency. According to white papers now being circulated in the cable, telephone and telecommunications industries, those with the deepest pockets--corporations, special-interest groups and major advertisers--would get preferred treatment. Content from these providers would have first priority on our computer and television screens, while information seen as undesirable, such as peer-to-peer communications, could be relegated to a slow lane or simply shut out."We see a move to demonize the Internet and tar its reputation. AOL is running ads equating Internet users with terrorists. In the next few years we may see a staged Internet shutdown which is blamed on cyber terrorists.For the aspiring dictator, the Internet is a dangerous tool that has been seized by the enemy. We have come a long way since 1969, when the ARPANET was created solely for US government use. The Internet is freedom's best friend and the bane of control freaks. Its eradication is one of the short term goals of those that seek to centralize power and subjugate the world under a global surveillance panopticon prison.

Monday, February 06, 2006


Help Save Alaska's Wolves

We want to get at least 50,000 people to sign our petition to save Alaska's wolves from the cruelty of aerial gunning. Your help is critical - please ask your friends and family to join you in protecting wolves!Send an email to your friends now and ask them to sign this petition today - or use our tell-a-friend tool to spread the word. It's only through word-of-mouth that this campaign will succeed.Here's a sample email you can send (feel free to copy and paste into your email client!):
Dear friends, Under Alaska's barbaric aerial gunning policy, marksmen can shoot wolves from the air or use airplanes to chase them in deep snow to the point of exhaustion then land and execute them at point blank range. But we can stop aerial gunning at the federal level, if Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton would enforce the Federal Airborne Hunting Act (FAHA) in Alaska - join me in signing the petition to Secretary Norton today!
Thank you!
Don't stop now — you can do even more to help!
Spread the Word:
Tell your friends about this important petition!
Take Further Action: Make an even greater impact today by signing one of these related petitions:
Stop the stealth attack on our National Parks!
Tell Gale Norton to Do Her Job and Protect Wolves!
Red Snapper population dangerously low - Stop irresponsible over-fishing now
Mammograms, Well-Child Care at Risk: Tell Congress to Stop Hurting Your Healthcare