Thursday, October 07, 2004


FEAR. How does one describe something so all consuming...
A feeling
An emotion
An irrationality?
Depending of course, upon what it is one fears...
I am consumed with fear...the season of flu and illness is upon us and my fear of illness is not an irrational one, since I'm allergic to most or maybe all antibiotics, cannot take the flu shot since it's growth medium is eggs and my lungs get nailed from illness very quickly and profoundly...nuttin scarier than being unable to breath...
I am fearful each and every year at this time but this year is different...worse...
because, unbeknownst to many, we are facing, in the near future, perhaps this year, an influenza pandemic. We are long overdue for one and there will be no vaccine against it. Not only would there NOT be time to effectively develop one, there would be no way to know long enough ahead just exactly what type of strain we would be hit with. The last flu pandemics wiped out so many people it is mind blowing and they were hit fast and hard and often felt fine that morning, were struck ill by noon and died by that night. There were bodies everywhere and no where to go to escape it. If you're interested in more info, log onto the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) website...there is a huge amount of info, including the history of influenza and the pandemics we have had.
At any rate...this is where my faith is sorely tested and also my nerves! I am in the throes of an all out panic attack right this minute and shaking so violently I am finding it difficult to type and making mistakes by the dozen!! Add to that the fact that everywhere we turn the media is constantly spewing forth about the shortage of vaccine, the vaccine having been contaminated (terrorists? screw ups?) and we are short millons of doses so now only those who absolutely must get the shot will be given a dose. Hence, even if we weren't already facing a possible pandemic, an epidemic looks likely.
With the flu's ability to mutate so readily, we are constantly re-assessing the strains yearly and new vaccines are developed to combat that years strain. However, in the last few years, new, unknown, never - before - seen strains have developed and jumped the human/animal barrier, jumped species, and influenza has begun to develop a supervirus. People are dying, regardless of treatment. No antibiotics can combat a virus, and flu is a virus. Treatment consists of bed rest, supportive care (fluids, treatment of any secondary illness brought about by flu and medications for cough, breathing, aches and fever).
In countries where people live in close proximity with their livestock, SARS and BIRD FLU (Avian) have become epidemic. In these areas especially, as well as others, the flu has effectively jumped species and people contract the mutant flu strain from their fowl and by the time they're treated, they have exposed others to it and often die. They usually die from respiratory failure. I wonder how we can contain a virus like this considering the circumstances surrounding it. SARS is so tiny a virus, that it is able to penetrate a mask! The Doctors and Nurses who have treated people with SARS have had to wear bio gear! Suits, respirators, etc! Still, through human error, some of them have contracted the disease and subsequently died.
I am not the only one who is filled with fear.
Scientists who study this are afraid.
I perhaps sound fatalistic...but I believe we should prepare for the worst...this impending pandemic may be the worst atrocity ever known to man. We must pray that science will prevail and create a drug to put a stop to it. We should get our affairs in order. We should most of all, give our hearts to God.
Our WHO (World Health Organization) and the CDC have people out-in-the-field risking their lives on a daily basis, tracking and combating a huge variety of heinous diseases to protect us all...keep them in your prayers! The CDC website has information on the health situations throughout the world and it is a very disturbing situation, to say the least. We hear about a few of them on the news but it is so much worse than most of us have been aware. Those multitudes need our prayers as well.
In conclusion....My fear has been transferred to text in a way...can you feel it? I am still afraid, but giving vent to it is somewhat cathartic....prayer and putting all our faith and trust in GOD our LORD and SAVIOR is the only thing I can do. I cannot solve the world ills, nor even my own, but God, who created us, one and all, can. All we can do is ask Him...and try to hang on.


Blogger NEBULA said...


Thursday, October 07, 2004 3:05:00 PM  

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