You never feed me.
Perhaps I'll sleep on your face.
That will sure show you.
I need a new toy.
Tail of black dog keeps good time.
Pounce! Good dog! Good dog!
The rule for today:
Touch my tail, I shred your hand.
New rule tomorrow.
In deep sleep hear sound;
Cat vomit hairball somewhere.
Will find in morning.
Grace personified,
I leap into the window.
I meant to do that.
Blur of motion. then
--Silence, me, a paper bag.
What is so funny?
The mighty hunter
Returns with gifts of plump birds--
Your foot just squashed one.
You're always typing.
Well, let's see you ignore my
sitting on your hands.
My small cardboard box.
You cannot see me if I
can just hide my head.
Kitty like plastic
.Confuses for litter box.
Don't leave tarp around.
Small brave carnivores
Kill pine cones and mosquitoes
Fear vacuum cleaner
Want to trim my claws?
Don't even think about it!
My yelps will wake dead.
I want to be closeTo you.
Can I fit my headInside
your armpit?
Wanna go outside.
Oh, no! Help! I got outside!
Let me back inside!
Humans are so strange.
Mine lies still in bed, then screams!
My claws aren't that sharp. . .
Cats meow out of angst"
Thumbs! If only we had thumbs!
We could break so much!"
Litter box not here.
You must have moved it again.
I'll poop in the sink.
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