somewhere....over the....rainbow?

Originally uploaded by NEBBY.
Somewhere over the rainbow....waaay upppp highhhhhhhh...
Yada yada yada! AnXiety has mellowed a bit...still fighting to vanquish it...just got a jump drive and now I can begin the tedious process of transferring around 5000 photos from my old computer to my new one...that should keep me busy a while! Mom visited this evening and we prayed together and although it was a brief visit, she can always give me a new perspective! I marvel at Mom, my truly blessed I am to have her! It's almost 9:30 and my fever is pretty's hard to concentrate...I need to peel myself outta this chair and tend to some long overdue crap work...I wish we had the technology of the infamous 'Jetsons" Lol!!! Just pop into a device and be cleansed, powdered & primped!! Press a button, the house is cleaned! When I was a wee one, I thought that by the time I was an adult, we would have that technology! Lolol! Have a good night and a better tomorrow!
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