Please forward the below to as many as you can.
Speak Up for Leslie Burke! Speak Out Against Euthanasia!
"How right that Leslie Burke should want the GMC [General Medical Council] guidance changed, to be assured that his life will not be cut short by doctors?" ... A doctor's duty is to maintain health and prevent, alleviate or cure disease as far as he can, but above all, to care. Every patient is equally important regardless of size or shape, social position, colour, creed, politics or ability, but we should seek to serve especially the most vulnerable, the most deprived; the most severely disabled, the most seriously ill, those who suffer most, and those who are nearest to death.
The medical profession does exist, but GMC registration is no longer sufficient identification. Doctors have to be guided by authority above that of lawyers and politicians, and be conscientious and open. That is why in the present state of ethical confusion, "Doctors who Respect Human Life" is vital. " - M B Howitt Wilson 9th May 2004 - Editorial Doctors & Ethics, Newsletter of the Bristish Section of the World Federation of Doctors who respect Human Life, No. 69 "The Mental Capacity Bill will create rules compelling doctors and nurses to withdraw basic treatment or food and fluids from certain patients.
Some doctors are already undermining Hippocratic principles. Mentally incapacitated people (especially those suffering from conditions like stroke or dementia) are being killed by dehydration and starvation - withholding food and fluids.
The BMA [British Medical Association] has indicated its approval of this, and the General Medical Council has taken a similar approach (recently, in the Leslie Burke case, the GMC's guidance was found to be unlawful in the high court - although the case may go to appeal).
Some doctors and nurses are not fully aware of what is happening. A personal appeal from you to a nurse or doctor may help build awareness and opposition to euthanasia. "
- 15 Days Till Mental Capacity Bill Second reading (Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) "Leslie Burke sat in court in a wheelchair and listened while lawyers argued whether he should be starved and dehydrated to death. The lawyers arguing in favour of the proposition were egged on by the Secretary of State for Health, who deemed it too expensive to feed and water the ailing patient.
The General Medical Council was contending before the court that decisions over treatment were for doctors, not patients, ignoring utterly the provisions of the Mental Capacity Act which allow patients to make living wills denying themselves treatment and which will bind any doctor who might take a different view.
In other words, a patient may choose to die and his wishes will be paramount but if he chooses to live he is to be deemed an expensive impediment to the authority of the medical profession.
"The Hippocratic oath is no longer automatically required, so it is possible for these doctors to look Mr Burke in the eye and tell him that it is their right to starve him to death ... that it is too costly to administer basic sustenance to the dying."
Health service starved of humanity by Ann Widdecombe Times Online (UK)May 21, 2005,,1072-1620890,00.html
"A time will come when I may need artificial food and hydration. I am afraid that doctors who do not know me will make a decision as to whether my life is worth living." - Les Burke "I am just scared that at the end I won’t be able to communicate, but my intellect will be unimpaired and I will be aware of the things going on around me," - Les Burke"I just do not want to effectively die of starvation and thirst which may take up to two weeks. I want as far as possible to be able to approach the end of my life with dignity."- Les Burke "If they (doctors) decided it was in my ‘best interests’ to die, I will know about it but won’t be able to do anything about it. I can’t think of a more horrifying way for one’s life to end," - Les Burke
Let us Open our mouths and "...decree that which is just, and do justice to the needy...." - Proverbs 31: 9
Contact: Prime Minister Tony Blair - Direct Gov (UK)
Contact: Veronica Fraser - Department of Health (UK)Head of Complaints and Public Enquiries
Contact: British Embassy, Washington D.C.
General Inquiries about Britain can be sent to:
Public Inquiries The British Embassy Washington D.C. 3100 Massachussetts Avenue NW Washington D.C. 20008-3600
Sumit question on-line [British Embassy Inquiry Service]
When sending correspondence regarding the Leslie Burke case, please request to be copied when they forward it to the correct party and location.
Related links:
NHS (National Health Service, UK)
Human Rights Act (Office of Public Sector Information-UK)
General Medical Council (Official site UK)
Her Majesty's Courts Service (HMCS)
Department of Health (UK)
Department for Constitutional Affairs (DCA)
British Medical Association
Stop Doctors Killing Patients - United for Life (UK)
Cerebellar Ataxia Links (Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital)
Chamber Judgment in the Case of Glass v. the United Kingdom European Court of Human Rights' Press release issued by the Registrar
Speak Up for Leslie Burke! Speak Out Against Euthanasia!
"How right that Leslie Burke should want the GMC [General Medical Council] guidance changed, to be assured that his life will not be cut short by doctors?" ... A doctor's duty is to maintain health and prevent, alleviate or cure disease as far as he can, but above all, to care. Every patient is equally important regardless of size or shape, social position, colour, creed, politics or ability, but we should seek to serve especially the most vulnerable, the most deprived; the most severely disabled, the most seriously ill, those who suffer most, and those who are nearest to death.
The medical profession does exist, but GMC registration is no longer sufficient identification. Doctors have to be guided by authority above that of lawyers and politicians, and be conscientious and open. That is why in the present state of ethical confusion, "Doctors who Respect Human Life" is vital. " - M B Howitt Wilson 9th May 2004 - Editorial Doctors & Ethics, Newsletter of the Bristish Section of the World Federation of Doctors who respect Human Life, No. 69 "The Mental Capacity Bill will create rules compelling doctors and nurses to withdraw basic treatment or food and fluids from certain patients.
Some doctors are already undermining Hippocratic principles. Mentally incapacitated people (especially those suffering from conditions like stroke or dementia) are being killed by dehydration and starvation - withholding food and fluids.
The BMA [British Medical Association] has indicated its approval of this, and the General Medical Council has taken a similar approach (recently, in the Leslie Burke case, the GMC's guidance was found to be unlawful in the high court - although the case may go to appeal).
Some doctors and nurses are not fully aware of what is happening. A personal appeal from you to a nurse or doctor may help build awareness and opposition to euthanasia. "
- 15 Days Till Mental Capacity Bill Second reading (Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) "Leslie Burke sat in court in a wheelchair and listened while lawyers argued whether he should be starved and dehydrated to death. The lawyers arguing in favour of the proposition were egged on by the Secretary of State for Health, who deemed it too expensive to feed and water the ailing patient.
The General Medical Council was contending before the court that decisions over treatment were for doctors, not patients, ignoring utterly the provisions of the Mental Capacity Act which allow patients to make living wills denying themselves treatment and which will bind any doctor who might take a different view.
In other words, a patient may choose to die and his wishes will be paramount but if he chooses to live he is to be deemed an expensive impediment to the authority of the medical profession.
"The Hippocratic oath is no longer automatically required, so it is possible for these doctors to look Mr Burke in the eye and tell him that it is their right to starve him to death ... that it is too costly to administer basic sustenance to the dying."
Health service starved of humanity by Ann Widdecombe Times Online (UK)May 21, 2005,,1072-1620890,00.html
"A time will come when I may need artificial food and hydration. I am afraid that doctors who do not know me will make a decision as to whether my life is worth living." - Les Burke "I am just scared that at the end I won’t be able to communicate, but my intellect will be unimpaired and I will be aware of the things going on around me," - Les Burke"I just do not want to effectively die of starvation and thirst which may take up to two weeks. I want as far as possible to be able to approach the end of my life with dignity."- Les Burke "If they (doctors) decided it was in my ‘best interests’ to die, I will know about it but won’t be able to do anything about it. I can’t think of a more horrifying way for one’s life to end," - Les Burke
Let us Open our mouths and "...decree that which is just, and do justice to the needy...." - Proverbs 31: 9
Contact: Prime Minister Tony Blair - Direct Gov (UK)
Contact: Veronica Fraser - Department of Health (UK)Head of Complaints and Public Enquiries
Contact: British Embassy, Washington D.C.
General Inquiries about Britain can be sent to:
Public Inquiries The British Embassy Washington D.C. 3100 Massachussetts Avenue NW Washington D.C. 20008-3600
Sumit question on-line [British Embassy Inquiry Service]
When sending correspondence regarding the Leslie Burke case, please request to be copied when they forward it to the correct party and location.
Related links:
NHS (National Health Service, UK)
Human Rights Act (Office of Public Sector Information-UK)
General Medical Council (Official site UK)
Her Majesty's Courts Service (HMCS)
Department of Health (UK)
Department for Constitutional Affairs (DCA)
British Medical Association
Stop Doctors Killing Patients - United for Life (UK)
Cerebellar Ataxia Links (Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital)
Chamber Judgment in the Case of Glass v. the United Kingdom European Court of Human Rights' Press release issued by the Registrar
Speak Up For Leslie Burke
Leslie Burke (England) suffers from Cerebellar Ataxia. He challenged the General Medical Council's guideline regarding the withholding of artificial feeding and hydration for the purpose of ending life.
Les has made some legal progress with his case through the years. However, the case is not close and the General Medical Council may get its way if this case is not given constant watch and backed with ongoing support.
The General Medical Council has no moral right to deny him artificial nutrition and hydration (ANH) should his condition deteriorate to the point where he medically requires it. That he and others are placed in this situation is a horror!
Let us Open our mouths and "...decree that which is just, and do justice to the needy...." - Proverbs 31: 9
"Extend your mercy towards others, so that there can be no one in need whom you meet without helping. For what hope is there for us if God should withdraw His Mercy from us?" - St. Vincent de Paul
"Thou shalt not kill" - Exodus 20:13
Leslie Burke (England) suffers from Cerebellar Ataxia. He challenged the General Medical Council's guideline regarding the withholding of artificial feeding and hydration for the purpose of ending life.
Les has made some legal progress with his case through the years. However, the case is not close and the General Medical Council may get its way if this case is not given constant watch and backed with ongoing support.
The General Medical Council has no moral right to deny him artificial nutrition and hydration (ANH) should his condition deteriorate to the point where he medically requires it. That he and others are placed in this situation is a horror!
Let us Open our mouths and "...decree that which is just, and do justice to the needy...." - Proverbs 31: 9
"Extend your mercy towards others, so that there can be no one in need whom you meet without helping. For what hope is there for us if God should withdraw His Mercy from us?" - St. Vincent de Paul
"Thou shalt not kill" - Exodus 20:13
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