Thursday, June 09, 2005

Speak Up For Leslie Burke

Shades of the ill fated Terri Schiavo situation....this issue will remain to haunt all of humanity unless something is done to put a stop to so-called "legal killing"....Withholding food and water from ANYONE, whether they're conscious or not is an abomination. No one but God has the right to take another's life.
Leslie Burke is fully COHERENT, understanding perfectly the fate that awaits him, yet he chooses to live and he is being forced to fight, to plead for the right to be ALLOWED to remain living! This could happen to ANYONE at any time...think about it!
Think how you would feel to be faced with this horrendous fate! Starvation and dehydration is a gruesome death, despite what some may say to the contrary. You or a loved one could be next! We must not allow this to happen! PLEASE! I implore you to speak up and be counted! Assert YOUR right to life and the right of all human beings to and unencumbered of a forced demise. Time is running out....we must ALL speak out NOW!
Speak Up For Leslie Burke


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so horrid and inhumane! I thought of Terri Schiavo right away! Nobody should have to beg for there life! What a sick,evil world we live in! I am appalled! I hope Leslie Burke is allowed to live as he chooses as we all should. Why is it that this is even in question? Is he being cared for in some sort of facility where if you're no longer deemed fit, they pull the plug, or in this case, attempt to kill the person by means of starvation and dehydration? Sick so so sick. That poor man! Has he no family? My heart aches for him!

Sunday, June 12, 2005 7:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its a sick world with no morels people dont seem to care that only God can make them decisons

Friday, September 09, 2005 6:57:00 PM  

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