Saturday, March 26, 2005


I am just appalled...I was reading thru different message boards regarding Terri Schiavo's horrible situation...and I could not believe the anger, rage, brutality, hatred, cruelty directed at the Schindler family, Terri's family...They are being lambasted and attacked, raged against....scorned, mocked, ridiculed, all manner of vile remarks...There are people saying her parents should be ashamed or put in jail, that they care nothing about Terri's dignity, or her "right" to die....
These people really seem to believe that they have the right to order someone's death...they've made comments that Terri's brain is mush, and terrible mocking and sarcastic remarks that show just how cruel and heartless they are.
It frightens me to see this on a huge scale....
Where is goodness and compassion? Concern for our fellow man?
Surely I am not seeing it out in cyber land, at least not on the message boards and polls, public opinions and tallys....
Terri and her family have been thru, are going thru hell and all these people can find to do is mock and ridicule them, screaming for Terri's death....
This world has become even more hateful than I realized and sick enough to kick someone when they're down....then join in as a collective group and beat the bloody hell out of their unwitting innocent bystander.
There is rage.....prejudice....hatred....evil....
I wish that somehow, Terri's family, her Mom and Dad, her siblings, could have escaped Michael's clutches long ago and departed for a secret place to live as long as God allowed, in peace.


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