Friday, March 25, 2005

I have truly lost faith in humanity....
As I watch the media and keep private vigil for the Schindler family...
As I wonder what sort of true religion any of these people have that could so callously, coldly, brutally decide Terri should die....
What the hell difference does it make if she is a vegetable (which she's NOT) That should not be an issue at all!
It has come down to that suffering family grasping for any snippet of information they could use to plead for Terri's prolong it until other issues have been resolved...What is the harm in allowing her to live?
WHY can't Michael Schiavo leave her alone and allow her true blood family to have guardianship? He claims he's not in it for the money...(after receiving a huge settlement he discontinued Terri's help, therapy, mouth feedings), He claims he's "in love" with his wife...(He has long since formed a new family and has children now) He claims Terri would not have wanted to live this way (She tried to communicate that she wanted to live, to her lawyer and the guards placed outside Terri's door made the Lawyer leave) Michael CLAIMS he wanted Terri to improve, yet he STOPPED all hertherapy, would not allow tests to be run, placed her in isolation and told nurses to stop feeding Terri orally and to insert a feeding tube, when she had been able to swallow pudding, jello and milkshakes!) Anyone who reads,will find that the more stimulation this type of brain damaged person receives, the more their brains activate and they begin to improve. The more they are isolated, the more their brains begin to atrophy and their inner spirit diminishes. Teri's hands have atrophied purely as a result of DISUSE and lack of therapy! Again, Michaels doing. Think about the timeline: Just exactly when did Michael begin to decide that Terri no longer should be allowed to live? Was it when he began cohabiting with his new woman and decided to have kids? Was it when Terri showed signs of improvement and could possibly have implicated Michael in some abuses aimed at her? Was it when new evidence emerged that perhaps Terri's collapse had been caused by attempted strangulation?
Why did he wait 7 years to "suddenly" remember that Terri allegedly said she'd not wish to live this way? Why are her civil rights being violated? Why is Michael so eager to have her dead? Why are her parents wishes ignored? Why are there so many who think she is worthless because she is brain damaged and wish her to be unplugged? How can people who call themselves Christians support this legal killing? How can anyone assume Terri's death will be peaceful as she is starved and dehydrated to death?
How can so many Judges and senators vote against Terri, snuffing out her life, in light of possible new evidence she may have been an unwitting victim?
Why aren't her parents and family allowed to care for her? They ask nothing from Michael, only praying, hoping and wishing for their daughter, their child that they love, to LIVE! How can such an atrocity occur in modern society...the legal right to kill someone deemed worthless....This sets us up for a collective fall, as we will in future see more and more of this type case, where someone brain damaged, suffering from alzheimers or retarded is allowed to be put to death because the courts deem them to be worthless and non productive members of society. Legal killing.
The courts have their definitions of worthy and unworthy in accordance with doctor's and scientific statements, regarding one's cognitive abilities, amount of brain damage, future prognosis and so forth....COMPLETELY FORGETTING THAT ALL HUMAN BEINGS HAVE A SOUL!
Whether they are normal, healthy people , retarded, brain damaged, mentally ill, handicapped.....
EVERYONE HAS A SOUL and THE RIGHT TO LIVE! These people who think they have the right to end someone's life, to pass judgments on another's life, who vote to pull the life support or feeding tube of any human being are commiting murder!!!!!! No matter the reasons, or motivations...whether out of compassion or hatred, the result is the is still murder. Someday, these same people may face the same fate....
Can you imagine KNOWING that there were
people who were attempting to end your life....lying helplessly, you watch, unable to scream out that you're trapped within an unresponsive body ...watching as your only form of life giving nutrition is snatched from you? Spending weeks of agonizing hell, suffering convulsions, as your organs are starved of fluids....your lips and tongue, your skin itself cracking and bleeding, your agony as your internal organs scream out in pain, atrophying and shriveling...your heartbeat becoming irregular, your muscles writhing , contracting, in tetany...your eyes losing their luster as your tears dried up...your kidneys shutting down...your bowels losing their function, KNOWING ALL THE WHILE that SOMEONE YOU TRUSTED WITH YOUR LIFE IS KILLING YOU AND THE LAW ALLOWS IT!!!! If nothing else is learned from this, at least I pray that it has opened our eyes, made us aware of society's callousness regarding the infirm, made us aware of where our so-called leaders stand on these issues, made us aware of our loved one's wishes regarding their own fate, made us aware of how far society will go....made us aware that if we believe in God and His word, that NONE of us has the right to kill or decide someone's time or usefulness is over. I pray none of us ever faces this type of situation, yet, statistics show a good likelihood that many of us will. I hope and pray I will have someone beside me who believes
in God and in my right to life and will carry out those wishes....
I continue praying for you Terri....You have the right to life.
Sign the petition to impeach Greer.
Call these key Florida state senators immediately and ask them to vote to save Terri's life.
Nancy Argenziano 850-487-5017
Larcenia J. Bullard 850-487-5127
Walter Campbell, Jr. 850-487-5094
J.D. Alexander 850-487-5044
Paula Dockery 850-487-5040
Lisa Carlton 850-487-5081
Evelyn J. Lynn 850-487-5033
Burt L. Saunders 850-487-5124
Michael Bennett 850-487-5078
Dennis Jones 850-487-5065


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