Tuesday, March 22, 2005


This post below was written by a dear friend of mine...I asked her if I could post it...her words are so eloquently spoken, from her heart... as she talks about the Terri Schindler-Schiavo situation...

Patricia's Comments:

I've watched and listened to everything on and about this woman's situation I possibly could. They say she has no conscious state...whatever that means.....but, she's alive, so I know she has a soul.....and I don't believe if God wished Terry to return to Him to reclaim that soul at any point in time up until now, that there would be any doubt, that she would be gone at His will. So regardless of the medical jargon, God has kept her soul here on earth in that body. So is our consciousness essentially us......or is the soul got gave us essentially us? I don't believe either, even without some dramatic improvement that God means for her to be with Him as yet, and can't imagine Him ever wanting such an unfortunate woman to be forced to suffer such a physically painful death either. I'm sure He will take her when it is her time. Perhaps she is here just for this.....to teach us not to play God and count only on the skimpy and often later revealed, false scientific notions of the day, but to treat each other with love, patience, kindness, compassion and mercy just as we would care to be treated....I'd prefer to err on the side of life because death cannot be reversed nor can anything truly atone for the loss to their personal souls and selves of those who are a party to this cruel treatment of the weakest in our societys. Oooooops....was that a blog.....maybe......but, that's where I stand on this.
I haven't been able to stop praying, so do not worry that I could fail to continue. My heart is so moved by this situation and I believe it has struck a chord with so, so many.

Love Patricia

Dearest Terri, and The Schindler Family...We are all pulling for you, for Terri...keeping you in our fervent prayers. Some of us spending sleepless nights in fear and keeping vigil in our hearts with you. May God lift this from you and may you never again be forced to endure the hellish torture of being forced to watch helplessly as Terri's rights are ripped away. I pray God will restore Terri's feeding tube, that she will recover and be allowed to receive the therapy and testing Michael Schiavo has so cruelly withheld from her. You, her parents and siblings are her true blood family and have her very best interests at heart...I pray you may be allowed to make Terri's decisions in the future. I continue praying and hoping....along with you. May God bless you.... Love Nebula


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