Thursday, October 21, 2004

Man this sucks! I do NOT understand anyone saying there was a lack of protest or information regarding it...there were online petitions, I signed one of them...I am totally against infringing on Yellowstone's animal residents and invading their homes! I hope more people will protest this because it is cruel for snow mobilers to cruise through the animals is noise pollution at the very least. There are so few areas left for animals to inhabit and call their own, where they can be free of humans who pollute, hunt, maim and heart goes out to these animals and I so very much hope this will be overturned...
Yahoo! News - Judge Rejects Yellowstone Snowmobile Ban


Blogger Unknown said...

I am sooo with you on this. Sure. let's take away what little space is left for the creatures we share this planet with to actually exist! Unbelievable, isn't it? Unfortunately, for every good thing that happens for our environment, there are two things like this that pass through the net and become reality. Thanks for sharing this story, I didn't catch it . . .

Thursday, October 28, 2004 7:46:00 PM  

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