Wednesday, March 09, 2005


I wonder...
if people were forced to live off-the-land in the ways of old, and were forced to consider killing an innocent animal, slaughtering it and preparing it....if they'd continue to eat meat.
I'm sure there are some who would find some kind of delight in it....some who would have no qualms about snuffing out the life of an innocent living being...
I hope that most people would take a look into the eyes of the animal and see deeply into the heart and soul....
See that this animal is alive and feels....
that this creature has children to nurture and guide...
That this beautiful creature that God created has a right to live...freely and without the threat of being murdered for it's skin, it's flesh...
of raising animals in deplorable conditions to turn a buck needs to be shut down and punished severely!
Why should any animal DIE to feed anyone?
Clothe anyone?
Decorate anyone with their precious fur?
Man is allowed to infringe upon an animals domain...intrude upon it's lifestyle, it's's peace and freedom to hunt down and murder...Yet, an animal, forced from it's natural habitat (BY MAN) , seeking food, walks into man's environment and an A.P.B. is immediately put out and hordes of angry men with guns and murder in their hearts make a killing game of it as they stalk and kill this hungry creature...These same men pose proudly beside the corpse of the creature they have just gunned down in cold blood, laughing and jostling, feeling like heroes. It's miller time.
It makes me sick at heart to think of any animal suffering this fate! The natural habitat of wild animals is steadily being encroached upon...and soon they will have no place to go or call safe harbour...
As long as people continue to purchase products made of leather, furs or eat meat, this will continue....
All too often, people are captured by the "cuteness" of an adorable animal, for instance a puppy or a kitten and will protest the use of THEIR fur or abuse...Yet there are multitudes of creatures being used for fur, being abused, being subjected to animal testing....they may not be cuddly and adorable but they are LIVING CREATURES who should be treated with respect and dignity....
How often have you seen an ad in the paper: Kittens to give away
Ever wonder WHERE these kittens go after you give them away? How would you feel if you knew that many free pet ads are answered by scouts for LABS who want free pets for GRISLY EXPERIMENTS!
To think of a sweet, innocent kitten being TIED DOWN, TORTURED and forced to exist in horrid conditions until their usefulness was over and they were KILLED, sometimes GASSED, POISONED or ELECTROCUTED! The same goes for any animal subjected to ANIMAL TESTING! PLEASE HELP TO PUT A STOP TO IT! PROTEST, SPREAD THE WORD AND REFUSE TO SIT BY AND ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN! WRITE LETTERS! MARCH IN PROTEST! DON'T WEAR FOR! BOYCOTT PLACES WHO SELL FUR!
I have at times felt that certain organizations may be too radical in their methods to get the word out about animal abuses....I have changed my thinking on that, as I see that it takes a radical and very courageous bunch to risk so much, including going to jail, to get the attention necessary to enlighten others about what's really going on! I hope you'll check out the following links....and think about how it feels to be alive, to feel, taste, dream, touch, laugh, smell, wonder, hope....These animals being slaughtered ALL FEEL THOSE SAME THINGS!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am grossed out by the pictures because I don't eat meat and hate killing. There are so many sick and disgusting people in the world that hurt animals. Thank you for showing how ugly it can be. I hope people read this and look at the pictures to see just what happens to make there hamburgers. Totally gross and cruel!!!!!!!!!!P.S. I wish there were way more fast food places for vegans...I mean there's hardly anything for us at fast food places! Thanks for writing about this!!!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pix are gross! I dont even like to think about it but i guess its reality and we need to stop it. Where can I sign a petion?

Friday, March 11, 2005 6:19:00 AM  

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