I have been seeing so many articles and coverage regarding assisted suicide, euthanasia, etc...I cannot understand how anyone can define this "legalized murder" as a mercy...it is murder, plain and simple!
If we believe in God and His word, we know that hastening death, causing death, suicide, euthanasia....are all wrong, they go against God's teachings and any laws that would "allow" it are not only wrong, but leave us all vulnerable to any physician's "interpretation" of any given situation. In some countries, legal type euthanasia has been quietly performed for years, unbeknownst to many of us. I am so sorry there have been many who have suffered this fate, yet grateful for some of the more high profile cases that have brought to light the very nature of these atrocities and the absolute need to put a stop to it.
It has become glaringly apparent that the mushroom effect is in play as more and more of these situations take place. I expect this to continue, as society is so dramatically divided with regard to it.
As I fought for Terri Schiavo's right to live, I had sent out many emails requesting help....I was appalled at many of the replies I received from people I thought I knew...many of them said "hey, she's a vegetable, put her out of her misery" or I heard "she's a non productive lump". I was just outraged! Who thinks THEY have the right to decide another's fate? To decide what connotes worthiness as a person? We are all God's children, HE created us, HE decides our fate! Terri was a human being with a soul....God created her.
It does not matter whether one is retarded, brain damaged, incapacitated in some way.....NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO SAY OUR TIME IS UP! Regardless of the circumstances, NO ONE but GOD can decide!!!
I hope and pray none of us or our loved ones are ever in the position to be at the mercy of someone who believes that they have the right to decide our fate!
Imagine being helpless to protest!
I know, and have known people who were terminally ill and have been so sick and miserable they hoped for death, prayed for it...wanted only to have their suffering end. Even then, in spite of it, as much as I hate and loathe to see their suffering, as much as it tears me up inside, as much as I yearn for their hurt to end, STILL I think, NO ONE BUT GOD CAN DECIDE!
I cannot say just how I would FEEL about it if I were in constant agony and had no hope of ever recovering.....but I know what I BELIEVE.
I think I could feel that I wanted to die, I have had pain that made me want to die....yet, I know that I do not want to burn.
I believe there are times that one is out of their mind with pain, when they're not responsible for their actions, but God knows this, He knows our hearts, yet when in our right minds, we know, if we believe in God, that He says He does not give us more than we can bear....
We sometimes wonder....'What's it all about?" or "Why am I here?"
I think God put us here for a purpose, He asks us to follow His laws, to observe his rules, to be obedient to Him, to also learn discipline, and for our own good as well.
As we seek God, more often than not, in time of need, we open our hearts to Him and cry out for help.....yet, when times are not so dire, how easy it is for us to fall away, to justify our sins, to take up what bits of 'religion' we wish to embrace and cast off that which we find objectionable or disagree with.
To walk with God must be a narrow path....we cannot decide to weed out God's laws and observe some, ignoring others. God gives us a guide to follow and it is a beginning path toward salvation, this "starter kit" being His 10 commandments. As we strive toward keeping these commandments, as we find more communion with God, talking with Him more and learning how deceitful our mortal hearts truly are, we grow, we learn, we become inspired, we see our flaws more readily, we find it easier to admit, we feel shame instead of arrogance...and we begin to desire to please God! As we learn God's laws, we grow to know God and God never changes.
Through the ages, from the dawn of time, God always was. God will always be. And He is always the same as is His love.
No matter our infirmity, no matter the state of the world, no matter where we are, who we are, God is our Heavenly Father, He loves us and He is only a prayer away.
I hope and pray that faith will hold us all fast to God throughout all the trials of our lives so that we may be strong and cling to Him in our hour of need, so that He will be there to hold us in His hand....and we will give our spirit up to HIM and no man will make the decision regarding our life....or death.
It's not up to us to have an "opinion" on this....God has told us right and wrong! There is no question that assisted suicide & euthanasia GO AGAINST GOD'S LAWS!
Yet, we cannot sit idle when we see such atrocities occur....when we know how terribly wrong they are! Are we not cloistering ourselves away from it, ignoring it, denying the truth of God's laws and allowing this evil to perpetuate if we do nothing? Certainly, we are to be "in" the world, yet not "OF" the world, yet in this world we are! Here we are born, live, and die and this is the life we are given to know at this point. If we are truly faithful, we will not allow ourselves to sit idly by and watch what goes against God's laws!
Through the years I have read multitudes of books about the persecution and annihilation of the Jews....led to their ultimate slaughter through guile, evil and deceit. To this day, if you watch documentaries regarding this atrocity, you will hear tell of many people who mindlessly followed orders and against their own judgment, their own beliefs, STILL followed the orders of a madman and carried out hundreds or sometimes thousands of executions of innocent people! What could possibly cause someone to follow such orders? Fear of punishment? Death? Yet, those with a conscience would be haunted forever after. There were also many who were fully convinced that they were involved in a righteous cause, that they had the right to annihilate human beings who they felt were "inferior"! It horrifies me to realize the magnitude of it, and to know that one madman had the ability to influence so many to carry out his "ethnic cleansing"!!!
Will WE stand cowering in fear as another type of annihilation occurs? Will we close our eyes and say "But I'm only one person, I am powerless"?
OR will we truly believe that GOD'S word is the truth and the way, that GOD is with us as we join forces and do battle against another evil foe?
We cannot afford, morally or spiritually to wear blinders and allow others to decide our fates! If we believe in God, we must stand up for our beliefs and not falter! God knows our hearts, He hears our prayers and He is with us as we face down evil.
And face it down, NOW, we must....TOGETHER in FAITH!
Love Nebula
I know, and have known people who were terminally ill and have been so sick and miserable they hoped for death, prayed for it...wanted only to have their suffering end. Even then, in spite of it, as much as I hate and loathe to see their suffering, as much as it tears me up inside, as much as I yearn for their hurt to end, STILL I think, NO ONE BUT GOD CAN DECIDE!
I cannot say just how I would FEEL about it if I were in constant agony and had no hope of ever recovering.....but I know what I BELIEVE.
I think I could feel that I wanted to die, I have had pain that made me want to die....yet, I know that I do not want to burn.
I believe there are times that one is out of their mind with pain, when they're not responsible for their actions, but God knows this, He knows our hearts, yet when in our right minds, we know, if we believe in God, that He says He does not give us more than we can bear....
We sometimes wonder....'What's it all about?" or "Why am I here?"
I think God put us here for a purpose, He asks us to follow His laws, to observe his rules, to be obedient to Him, to also learn discipline, and for our own good as well.
As we seek God, more often than not, in time of need, we open our hearts to Him and cry out for help.....yet, when times are not so dire, how easy it is for us to fall away, to justify our sins, to take up what bits of 'religion' we wish to embrace and cast off that which we find objectionable or disagree with.
To walk with God must be a narrow path....we cannot decide to weed out God's laws and observe some, ignoring others. God gives us a guide to follow and it is a beginning path toward salvation, this "starter kit" being His 10 commandments. As we strive toward keeping these commandments, as we find more communion with God, talking with Him more and learning how deceitful our mortal hearts truly are, we grow, we learn, we become inspired, we see our flaws more readily, we find it easier to admit, we feel shame instead of arrogance...and we begin to desire to please God! As we learn God's laws, we grow to know God and God never changes.
Through the ages, from the dawn of time, God always was. God will always be. And He is always the same as is His love.
No matter our infirmity, no matter the state of the world, no matter where we are, who we are, God is our Heavenly Father, He loves us and He is only a prayer away.
I hope and pray that faith will hold us all fast to God throughout all the trials of our lives so that we may be strong and cling to Him in our hour of need, so that He will be there to hold us in His hand....and we will give our spirit up to HIM and no man will make the decision regarding our life....or death.
It's not up to us to have an "opinion" on this....God has told us right and wrong! There is no question that assisted suicide & euthanasia GO AGAINST GOD'S LAWS!
Yet, we cannot sit idle when we see such atrocities occur....when we know how terribly wrong they are! Are we not cloistering ourselves away from it, ignoring it, denying the truth of God's laws and allowing this evil to perpetuate if we do nothing? Certainly, we are to be "in" the world, yet not "OF" the world, yet in this world we are! Here we are born, live, and die and this is the life we are given to know at this point. If we are truly faithful, we will not allow ourselves to sit idly by and watch what goes against God's laws!
Through the years I have read multitudes of books about the persecution and annihilation of the Jews....led to their ultimate slaughter through guile, evil and deceit. To this day, if you watch documentaries regarding this atrocity, you will hear tell of many people who mindlessly followed orders and against their own judgment, their own beliefs, STILL followed the orders of a madman and carried out hundreds or sometimes thousands of executions of innocent people! What could possibly cause someone to follow such orders? Fear of punishment? Death? Yet, those with a conscience would be haunted forever after. There were also many who were fully convinced that they were involved in a righteous cause, that they had the right to annihilate human beings who they felt were "inferior"! It horrifies me to realize the magnitude of it, and to know that one madman had the ability to influence so many to carry out his "ethnic cleansing"!!!
Will WE stand cowering in fear as another type of annihilation occurs? Will we close our eyes and say "But I'm only one person, I am powerless"?
OR will we truly believe that GOD'S word is the truth and the way, that GOD is with us as we join forces and do battle against another evil foe?
We cannot afford, morally or spiritually to wear blinders and allow others to decide our fates! If we believe in God, we must stand up for our beliefs and not falter! God knows our hearts, He hears our prayers and He is with us as we face down evil.
And face it down, NOW, we must....TOGETHER in FAITH!
Love Nebula

Pro Life Website> http://www.nccbuscc.org/prolife/issues/euthanas/
National Right To Life>
Life News>
100% PRO LIFE>
Terri Schindler Right-To-Life Webring>
Les Burke's Website
A National Disability Rights Group Opposed to Legalized Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia>
Assisted Suicide Laws around the World
Assisted Suicide Laws State-By-State> http://www.euthanasia.com/bystate.html
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