Auschwitz...and Beyond
I have read so many books about Auschwitz, and other prison camps...The Jews have been persecuted beyond anything one can imagine. I can never understand how such a horrifying atrocity could have taken place...I can never understand the depths some so-called humans will sink to, the levels of is beyond inhuman, beyond my comprehension, it is the vilest evil. I am utterly dumbfounded to think that hordes, untold numbers of people (sheep) would blindly follow the incoherent ravings of a syphilitic, insecure, self-righteous madman!!! What could possess these multitudes to follow out the orders of such a creature? Why would so blithely...follow along and commit these atrocities against their fellow humans? How could they live with themselves...How could they so sadistically torture, torment, murder these innocents? What could have motivated them to act out these heinous crimes? Fear? Corruption? Evil? Indeed, I believe that evil reared it's ugly head and latched on to many... I see that deep within some twisted souls, lies an empty spot, where there should have been a heart, an ugly and cold cavernous maw....roiling and churning....seeking whom they may devour.
"Because many of the victims were 'selected' by the SS for immediate extermination in specially built gas chambers, they were never registered at Auschwitz, making it impossible for historians to say precisely how many people died here. The death toll is believed to be as high as two million.
The memorial at Birkenau lies between two of the gas chambers in which victims were killed, and at the end of the train track that brought them to the camp...more...>
Yahoo! News - World leaders arrive to mark for Auschwitz liberation commemorations:
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